
News Aug 23, 2023

This is Mike & Taryn's World Tour, a brand new site by Mike Shelton that's just getting started. We're finally up and running, so make sure you subscribe (it's free!) to stay up to date on where we are!

A quick note...this site will be sending you an email when you sign up or sign in. Unfortunately, we've been unsuccessful sending emails to those who use any kind of Microsoft email account (live, hotmail, etc.) and there may be others that block us. If you have problems getting our email, you may need an email account from a different provider...and don't forget to check your spam/junk folder. We sincerely apologize, but it's beyond our control.

Only a couple of short weeks before the adventure begins!


Mike Shelton

Mike enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and the occasional tasty beverage. When Mike is not being surly and sarcastic...he is sleeping; don't wake the bear.